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Count Master

About Count Master

Count Master is running game. To lead and rule, you need to take power and organize your army into a stickman group.

If you want to be able to control every area with your army, you have to have a sizable army to overwhelm your opponent. The decision to expand your army is now yours. Test your math skills to see if you can pull this off.

You can use your army to conquer every area in this game while honing your math skills. Stickman troops will initially be present in fixed numbers. The goal is to give at least one player a clear view of the goalposts. Your income will increase as your army expands.

Your numbers will decrease due to some blockades and hostile groups. Therefore, to create new warriors for yourself, you must pass four active portals. Be careful not to run out of minions in the middle of the platform. Try different skin tones and tones. Use your math prowess to see how many levels you can identify today.

How to play

To participate in the game, you can use your mouse.


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