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Dinosaurs Jurassic Survival World

About Dinosaurs Jurassic Survival World

Dinosaurs Jurassic Survival World is a survival game in a scary dinosaur world. To pass try to survive using your gun, you can also join your teammates.

Dinosaurs from the past are attacking the planet. So pull out your weapons and start eliminating these fearsome dinosaurs!

The dinosaur invasion has really happened, it's the biggest nightmare come true. However, experts were predicting this would happen. Many warriors like you were first trained just for this day and this mission. Even if you are a skilled shooter, you still need to be careful because they are everywhere. Your goal in this exciting shooting simulation game is to hit the kill target and pass the stages.

You can choose to play a single player game where you fight every dinosaur alone or a multiplayer game where you and your friends fight hordes of monsters together in rooms. In multiplayer mode, you can raise your position and claim the top spot on the platform. Practice in single player mode before hitting the field. Use your mouse to view your surroundings and manage the camera. You can use right click to aim and left click to shoot.

How to play

To move, use the arrow keys or WASD. Right click to aim and left click to shoot. To change weapons, say '1,2,3,4'. Press 'R' to reload. Switch to sprint, Ctrl to lie flat. Buy with 'E' and shrink with 'C.'


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